Julie Louise Bacon | NEWS

Exhibition at Summerhall, Edinburgh

14th June 2024 saw the opening of my exhibition Almanac 2024 ce at Summerhall in Edinburgh. The exhibition featured new print, video, sound, sculpture, drawing and photographic works developed in Edinburgh, where I live, and on the island of Lewis, where I undertook an artist residency in 2023.

Art, Climate, Time

25th August 2023 Excited to be planning a public Art, Climate, Time research group event in Edinburgh this Autumn. The group brings together an international collective of artists, researchers and curators to explore the role of the arts in proposing liveable relationships with time in an era of climate crisis.

Artist Residency on Lewis

1st June 2023 Very much looking forward to my arts and curatorial residency with An Lanntair in Stornoway Lewis, which is supported by Edinburgh College of Art. I’ll be researching the ways that the sea, the land and language shape experiences of time, as part of my ongoing Habitat of Time arts research project.

6th January 2020

I’m happy to announce that from January 2020, I will be joining Arts Catalyst in London as Associate Curator. I will be undertaking a curatorial residency, working on the next phase of The Habitat of Time research project.

Arts Catalyst is a nonprofit contemporary arts organisation that commissions and produces transdisciplinary art and research. The organisation activates new ideas, conversations and transformative experiences across science and culture, engaging people in a dynamic response to our changing world.

In its 25 years, Arts Catalyst has commissioned more than 170 artists’ projects, and produced numerous exhibitions, events, performances and publications, collaborating with major arts, science and academic organisations. Arts Catalyst’s Centre in King’s Cross, London, is a hub for the organisation’s work, nationally and internationally, and the development of new projects and co-inquiries connecting local interests with wider planetary issues.

The Habitat of Time curatorial residency at Arts Catalyst will be formed of research and public activities that synthesise the project’s outcomes to date and expand the international research group. The residency at Arts Catalyst builds on collaborations with OzGrav at the University of Western Australia in Perth (2019), the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT) in Liverpool UK (2018), and Casula Powerhouse (2018) and Artspace in Sydney (2018).