Julie Louise Bacon | Almanac


  • 15 Jul

  • jbacon

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Almanac 2024 ce was presented in the Meadows galleries at Summerhall in Edinburgh from 14th June to 1st July 2024.

In the exhibition, print, video, watercolour and drawing works combined the rhythms of gesture, mechanical and digital processes to depict scenes of urban, geological, plant and technological life.

The artworks featured were created in and around Edinburgh and on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides during an artist residency in 2023. They explore the distinctness of time embodied in the local and its entwining with the planetary.

The exhibition took its name from a centuries-old publishing format and shared with it a focus on the seasons and the correlation between events, phenomena and the larger forces of weather and time. In a context where globalisation has impacted on climate, diversity and temporal rhythms, the exhibition looked to the sense of life that emerges through the incidental, the experience of duration, and the liveliness of matter.