Julie Louise Bacon | The Time Salon

The Time Salon

  • 19 Jan

  • jbacon

The Time Salon is a conceptual art project that explores rapid shifts in the human experience and physical understanding of time brought about by the conditions of the Network Ages.


The project is evolving from 2017 through to 2020 through an iterative process involving the creation of artworks, the curation of events and exhibitions, and a series of digital and online publications. The programme of research is being undertaken in collaboration with FACT, Foundation for Art and Creative Technology in Liverpool, UK.


Central to project, is a questioning of the relationship between different senses and concepts of time: our understanding of time as bound in physical properties of matter and energy; the phenomenon of time as we experience it personally; and cultural constructs of past, present and future.


The images featured above document the second iteration of the project: a solo exhibition of works presented at Artspace, Sydney in the Ideas Platform programme, 25th May-20 June 2017.



This exhibition included LOCAL TIME, a print work composed from  responses to a performance score sent out to artists  in time zones around the world with whom I have a shared artistic history at one or more points. Featuring the work of: Daniel Acosta (Buenos Aires, Argentina, UTC-3), Chumpon Apisuk (Lanta Island, Thailand, UTC+7), Zeigam Azizov (London, UK, UTC+0), (Rita Castro Neves (Porto, Portugal, UTC+1), John G. Boehme (Victoria, Canada, UTC-7), Jamie McMurry (Santiago, Chile, UTC-4), James Geurts (Melbourne, Australia, UTC+10), Ütó Gustáv (Sepsizentgyörgy, Transylvania, UTC+2), and Helen Sharp (Northern Ireland, UTC+0).


The following is an extract from the exhibition programme notes:  ” The intensity of time is felt in daily life, in our intimate sense of how time passes as much in the practical demands that life makes of us. Time is a subject of inquiry in artistic and psychological as much as economic and scientific spheres. Yet time is arguably merely a means for grasping change. In his 1895 novel The Time Machine, H.G. Wells observed that, ‘There is no difference between time and any of the other three dimensions of space, except that our consciousness moves along it.’ ”


The first iteration of the project involved a screening of The Time Salon video performance in the festival ReROOTed, Hull UK Capital of Culture 2017.
